Lasagna (Italian)

by - October 29, 2017

For Lasagna Pasta Sheets, I handmade with 3 eggs and 400g of flour, salt, one tablespoon of Olive oil and about half cup of water. The dough rested for about 30minutes before I rolled them to thin sheets with my pasta machine. This is one of the greatest investment in making a good lasagna. With a pot of hot boiling water, add a teaspoon of salt, place gently the sheets (maximum 2 at a time), for about 2 minutes to cook the lasagna pasta sheets. 

Besides, for the first time, I made the Bechamel sauce as one of the layers. Béchamel sauce, the Mother of sauces, is also known as white sauce. It is made from a white roux (butter and flour) and milk. This is the 'magic' in this Lasagna, honestly, it made the whole lot of difference in all the Lasagna. 

Today's version of lasagna is using Heinz Tomato Pasta sauce (with basil and sun-dried tomatoes), straight from the can. I lightly brown some diced onions and added the 350g of minced beef (Kodune-hakkliha from Saaremaa) pork (50%), beef (50%) Fat content less than 30 per cent. Collagen/animal protein ratio below 18. When this mixture is cooked, I sprinkled some Oregano spices and grind about 3/4 of it to smaller bits with a food processor. Then combined it back to the 1/4 for some 'texture' in the taste.

Then for the cheese layer, I used the Cheddar slices. 

So now the layering begins when all the ingredients are prepared, ready to assemble. Start with a large casserole, lightly butter the whole base or for my case, I use a baking paper to prevent any sticking. Then the first layer of pasta sheet, a layer of tomato sauce with the minced meat, third layer, the Bechamel sauce, forth layer cheese and then repeat. After about 6 repeats, you should be ready to place it to bake in a 190 deg C preheated oven for 25 minutes. Viola! 

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